Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

rehearsals, rehearsals, rehearsals.

hello, hello!
Hari ini sumpah, membosankan. I still prefer a normal day where their are classes (hah rajin). Almost the whole day, we were practicing for the graduation ceremony. And guess what?! The giving of the ***** was canceled! Seneng banget! Capenya, kita harus latihan "standing up and sitting down" yang harus di lakukan kompak. Up, and down, up and down, up and down. Dan, gw harus lead national anthem pake "waving my hands up and down" like a conductor. Kesel bngt. Trs gw gitu2 lg make toga lg!!! BAAAAAAAH

Monday, June 7, 2010

birthday bash part 3!

naaah sekarang ini aku ngerayain nya sama kheyaaaaaa. Tadinyaa mau sama Madinaaaa tapi orangnya lagi belajar buat UAS (rajinyaaaaa..). Sebenernya udh dari hari sabtu lalu, tapi pengen aku ceritain.
Pertama2 kan kita yoga, selesainya menuju ke pacific place. Tante Mia nanyaain aku kal aku mau les piano ato engga. Yaa, aku jwbnya engga mau. Tapi pas nanya ke bu luki, jawabnya,
hhhhhhrrrmmpph. Typical mom. Tadinya mau di ajak makan breakfast bareng, tapi ga jadi. Akhirnya, kheya nganterin aku ke les piano, tapi dia males les dan tidak mau les. Berjalan menujuu ke piano, kheya langsung puter balik badan karena guru pianonya kheya ngeliat dia. Aku di tunjuk-tunjuk sambil di tanya, "EH, EH! ITU KHEYA MAU KEMANA?" akhrinya gue ngomongnya ngasal aja, "Anuu, ituu, mau ngambil buku-buku piano....." -____-

Sesudah semua itu selesai, sang ibu menjemput aku di Les Piano. Kita langsung beli tiket film Prince of Persia: Sands of Time dan turun ke lantai 4. Disitu, kita ketemu lagi ama kheya dan menuju ke TAKIGAWA. Tau gaak aku pesen takigawa rollnay berapa piring???? DUAA! Kheya makannya apaan lagi, ngambil satu biji cuma kalo di suuruh. hoho -___-

Selesai makan, kita masih nunggu buat filmnya, masih jam setengah 3. Jadinya, kita ke Amazing World! WOW! Tempat apakah itu? Just an arcade. Abis itu, kheya ngajak aku ke bagian atasnya arcade ini. Ternyata, di atasnya itu terdapat tempat karoke yang dapat di bayar dengan kartu. Tau gaaaa, per lagu harganya berapa? Cuma Rp. 6 ribuuuuu! Lumayaaan laaaaaah.....terus kita nyani-nyani lagu ga jelas gitu. hahahahahaha :)
Abis itu kita nonton film and we ate PANCIOUS after that. I don't know why, but in 3 minutes, I finished the whole plate!

That's it, my amazing day!

Monday, May 31, 2010

let's recycle!

Wow! Today was a very "earthy" day. Let's list it:
  1. At the morning, the whole class went to the parking lot near the swimming pool. Jadi, kita ngambil semua sampah yang ada di sana. But, it has to be non-biodegradable. So, it's kind of har looking for the trash. Kalo emang ga ada sampah, gimana dong? Maksa bgnt deh sekolaah ini. Masa harus nyari sampah nya di selokan?? Najis. Terus, abis di bersihin juga ga ada perbedaan nya kok. Useless.
  2. Abis itu, kita sign up buat kompetisi art recycling. I was with Aisha, Salsa, Bianca, Kayla. Serunyaaaaa, yaaa ampun! Jadi, we decided to make a fashion set which consists: a belt, braclet, and neckalce. We made it from used things: newspaper, dead leaves, and used strings. Hmmmm, our invention yaaaaaaa lumayan. Harusnya aku foto tuuh! Tapi hapenya bakal di conviscate, the teacher will call my parents, and then..................
  3. Doain yaaa, kita bakal menang. Mau doa kaya gimana, kita juga ga bakal menaaang (huhuhuhuhu)

humanities score.

Ini yaa, studying for the humanities UAS was killing me. Udah aku korbanin tuh, les-les. And, just this morning in school, nilainya di umumin. I was sweating (exaggerating). Nilainya, terlalu bagus atau jelek tapi I know I can improve it (wessss). Okay now scroll down for my score. Remember, it's IB MYP scoring.

Scroll down more.



little bit more.

okay here it is.

A - 7
B - 7
C - 5
D - 5

complaining? That means you care about me! Thaaanks :)

Saturday, May 29, 2010


Mampus abis. I have another crush on this "Justin bieber type" guy. Jadi gini, bareng pkp, mau ke XXI PIM 1. Eh, pas ngelawatin Bakmi GM, ada "this guy" yang lg mau masuk ke resorant tersebut. My heart literally stopped. First glance at him, my breath stopped. Second glance at him, I completely forgot everything. Third glance at him, I shouted, "A NEW CRUSH HAS JUST ARRIVED!". Let me just explain the description: braces. I love the braces. fashion. His clothing is sooo attractive. hair. dark brunette. rambutnyaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah (I actually can say "aaah" finishing the blog) Coba kalo di luar negeri, pasti tanpa malu2 lgsg aku samperin tuuuh. And, there are two chats with punkerpop that was funny about"the guy":

Chita: Aaaaawwww, I wished that I saw him too!
Tatya: Iyaaa, bener... How do old do you think he is, mau?
Maura: Paling around 13-ish..
Chita: Never mind -__-
Tatya: Ga jadi deh (udh males krn perbedaan umur)

Maura: Sheila, did you really see the guy I crushed on?
Sheila: Iya, rambutnya blonde kan?
Maura: NOOOOOO!? Not him,that was the guy walking infront of us...
Sheila: Well I'm talking about my crush!
Maura: But we're talking about my crush!
Cita, Dipa, Tatya: (mukanya udh berekspektasi something like this will happen)

Friday, May 28, 2010

birthday bash part 2!

We're going to go to PIM but tatya and sheila haven't arrived yet!